プチコンで遊ぼう! (はてなブログ版)

任天堂3DSのプチコンで遊ぼう! [twitter:@eida_s]

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MISSILE DEFFENSE for Petit Computer

Hi, all of Petit Computer users in U.S.!

I'm eida, a japanese Petit Computer fan.

I have made a MISSILE COMMAND like game.

QR Code is following.

How to play:

1) To touch on below screen, you can aim the sight in upper screen.

2) Push L R A B X Y button or key-pad, then launch a missile toward the sight.

3) Destroy enemy missiles before they reaches the ground.

4) If its reaches the ground, A damage is received.

5) It is game over when a damage become 100%.

Have a fun!

-- eida from japan